Ata Provincial Collective Agreement
If your bargaining unit has not entered into negotiations with your school jurisdiction, employers cannot change arbitrary pay or working conditions. The expired collective agreements will continue to be in place until a new agreement is ratified. The points of the province`s Memorandum of Agreement merge with the local agreement for a collective agreement. The AA provincial collective agreement expires on March 31, 2020. The ATA contract expires on August 31, 2020. Click here to learn more about the current state of collective bargaining and get important updates as part of the negotiations. In May 2017, TEBA and ATA ratified an agreement for the 2016/17 and 2017/18 school years. This Memorandum of Understanding 2016 – 2018 (PDF, 895 KB) applies to school leaders and teachers working in Alberta for 12 separate, French-speaking public school authorities. Members seeking advice on redress procedures in the event of an alleged breach of a collective agreement or other matters arising from a collective agreement, the Labour Code, the Labour Code, should consult with teacher assistance staff at or call 780-447-9400 or 1-800-232-7208.
The Arbitration Board`s decisions concern members of the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) and the Alberta Teachers` Association (ATA). Both unions were in the last year of their contracts and were aiming for wage increases, while the provincial government sought to raise wages. The terms and conditions and remuneration of teachers employed in school courts are stipulated in collective agreements. These negotiations are divided into two parts; the association negotiates centrally with the Teachers` Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) and on-site with each school board. From a legal point of view, the association is the association of negotiators for all teachers employed in the province`s public, separate and french-language school courts. In the first phase, TEBA negotiates with the Alberta Teachers` Association (ATA) on provincial issues affecting all teachers and employers to reach an agreement between the provinces. The Board of Directors gives the direction of the TEBA and gives a negotiating mandate. The Board of Directors, in consultation with the Representation Committee, voted in favour of ratifying the agreement reached at the province`s negotiating table.
If you are part of a bargaining unit that has ratified its 2018-2020 collective agreement, this new contract will appear below as soon as it has been prepared, read and fully signed by all parties. If not listed below, you can check out the ratified agreements here (see local negotiations in the negotiation updates). Negotiations in 2018: this phase is over and the Memorandum of Understanding 2018-2020. Please visit the province`s ATA website for more information. « Even with these decisions, fiscal discipline and discipline must be pursued when we begin new collective bargaining in 2020. » The Teachers` Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) is a legal association created by the Public Education Collective Bargaining Act, which represents the province`s school boards in collective bargaining for all public, separate and francophone teachers in Alberta. Teacher social assistance staff advise local collective agreement committees on all aspects of collective bargaining. In addition, the association regularly organizes conferences on teacher well-being and offers courses for beginners and bargain hunters advanced at the summer conference. The provincial government had entered into arbitration proceedings and had asked the ADF to claim a 3 per cent pay cut. The ATA was asked to accept a 2% pay cut. They are also invited to participate in a zoom discussion of the film: -Winners will be announced during the discussion period on Monday, November 30.